Changes in bool.h (previous version)

Replaced line 1 with line 1
< #if !defined(BOOL_H)
> #ifndef BOOL_H

Added line 3 to line 4 (was line 2)
> #ifndef FALSE

Added line 6 to line 8 (was line 3)
> #endif
> #ifndef TRUE

Added line 10 to line 11 (was line 4)
> #endif

Added line 13 to line 21 (was line 5)
> /*
> ** bool_initMod has no real effect
> ** Declared with modifies internalState, so no noeffect errors are 
> ** reported when it is called.)
> */
> extern /*@unused@*/ void bool_initMod (void) /*@modifies internalState@*/ ;
> /*@-mustmod@*/

Added line 23 to line 33 (was line 6)
> /*@=mustmod@*/
> extern /*@unused@*/ /*@observer@*/ char *bool_unparse (bool b) /*@*/ ;
> # define bool_unparse(b) ((b) ? "true" : "false" )
> extern /*@unused@*/ bool bool_not (bool b) /*@*/ ;
> # define bool_not(b) ((b) ? FALSE : TRUE)
> extern /*@unused@*/ bool bool_equal (bool b1, bool b2) /*@*/ ;
> # define bool_equal(a,b) ((a) ? (b) : !(b))

Changes in dbase.c (previous version)

Replaced line 8 with line 8 to line 11
< typedef enum {mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON} employeeKinds;
> typedef enum
> {
>   mMGRS, fMGRS, mNON, fNON
> } employeeKinds;

Replaced line 14 with line 17 to line 18
< void db_initMod(void) {
> void db_initMod (void)
> {

Replaced line 16 with line 20 to line 25
<   if (initDone) return;
>   if (initDone)
>     {
>       return;
>     }

Added line 31 (was line 21)

Added line 33 (was line 22)
>     {

Added line 35 to line 36 (was line 23)
>     }

Replaced line 27 with line 40 to line 41
< eref _db_ercKeyGet(erc c, int key) {
> eref _db_ercKeyGet (erc c, int key) 
> {

Added line 44 (was line 29)

Replaced line 31 with line 46 to line 52
<      if (eref_get(er).ssNum == key) erc_iterReturn(it, er);
>     {
>       if (eref_get (er).ssNum == key)
>         {
>           erc_iterReturn (it, er);
>         }
>     }

Replaced line 35 to line 36 with line 56 to line 57
< eref _db_keyGet(int key) {
> eref _db_keyGet (int key)
> {

Replaced line 39 with line 60 to line 62
<   for (i = firstERC; i <= lastERC; i++) {
>   for (i = firstERC; i <= lastERC; i++)
>     {

Replaced line 41 with line 64 to line 66
<      if (!eref_equal(er, erefNIL)) return er;
>       if (!eref_equal (er, erefNIL))
>         {
>           return er;

Added line 68 to line 69 (was line 42)
>     }

Replaced line 46 with line 73 to line 74
< int _db_addEmpls(erc c, int l, int h, empset s) {
> int _db_addEmpls (erc c, int l, int h, empset s)
> {

Replaced line 52 with line 80 to line 82
<   for_ercElems (er, it, c) {
>   for_ercElems (er, it, c)
>     {

Replaced line 54 with line 84 to line 85
<     if ((e.salary >= l) && (e.salary <= h)) {
>       if ((e.salary >= l) && (e.salary <= h))
>         {

Added line 90 (was line 58)

Replaced line 62 to line 65 with line 94 to line 104
< db_status hire(employee e) {
<   if (e.gen == gender_ANY) return genderERR;
<   if (e.j == job_ANY) return jobERR;
<   if (e.salary < 0) return salERR;
> db_status hire (employee e)
> {
>   if (e.gen == gender_ANY)
>     return genderERR;
>   if (e.j == job_ANY)
>     return jobERR;
>   if (e.salary < 0)
>     return salERR;

Added line 107 (was line 67)

Replaced line 72 with line 112 to line 113
< void uncheckedHire(employee e) {
> void uncheckedHire (employee e)
> {

Added line 115 (was line 73)

Added line 118 (was line 75)

Replaced line 79 to line 80 with line 122 to line 125
<        else erc_insert(db[mNON], er);
<     else if (e.j == MGR)
>     else
>       erc_insert (db[mNON], er);
>   else
>     if (e.j == MGR)

Replaced line 82 with line 127 to line 128
<        else erc_insert(db[fNON], er);
>     else
>       erc_insert (db[fNON], er);

Replaced line 85 with line 131 to line 132
< bool fire(int ssNum) {
> bool fire (int ssNum)
> {

Added line 136 (was line 88)

Replaced line 91 with line 139 to line 140
<       if (eref_get(er).ssNum == ssNum) {
>       if (eref_get (er).ssNum == ssNum)
>         {

Added line 145 (was line 95)

Replaced line 99 with line 149 to line 150
< bool promote(int ssNum) {
> bool promote (int ssNum)
> {

Added line 154 (was line 102)

Replaced line 105 with line 157 to line 159
<   if (eref_equal(er, erefNIL)) {
>   if (eref_equal (er, erefNIL))
>     {

Replaced line 107 with line 161 to line 162
<     if (eref_equal(er, erefNIL)) return FALSE;
>       if (eref_equal (er, erefNIL))
>         return FALSE;

Added line 165 (was line 109)

Replaced line 113 with line 169 to line 171
<   if (g == MALE) {
>   if (g == MALE)
>     {

Replaced line 117 with line 175 to line 176
<   else {
>   else
>     {

Added line 180 (was line 120)

Replaced line 124 with line 184 to line 185
< db_status setSalary(int ssNum, int sal) {
> db_status setSalary (int ssNum, int sal)
> {

Replaced line 127 with line 188 to line 193
<   if (sal < 0) return salERR;
>   if (sal < 0)
>     {
>       return salERR;
>     }

Replaced line 129 with line 195 to line 200
<   if (eref_equal(er, erefNIL)) return missERR;
>   if (eref_equal (er, erefNIL))
>     {
>       return missERR;
>     }

Added line 204 (was line 132)

Replaced line 136 with line 208 to line 209
< int query(db_q q, empset s) {
> int query (db_q q, empset s)
> {

Added line 215 (was line 141)

Replaced line 144 with line 218 to line 220
<   switch(q.g) {
>   switch (q.g)
>     {

Replaced line 146 with line 222 to line 223
<       switch(q.j) {
>       switch (q.j)
>         {

Replaced line 162 with line 239 to line 240
<       switch(q.j) {
>       switch (q.j)
>         {

Replaced line 173 with line 251 to line 252
<       switch(q.j) {
>       switch (q.j)
>         {

Replaced line 186 with line 265 to line 266
< void db_print(void) {
> void db_print (void)
> {

Added line 269 (was line 188)

Replaced line 190 with line 271 to line 273
<   for (i = firstERC; i <= lastERC; i++) {
>   for (i = firstERC; i <= lastERC; i++)
>     {

Changes in dbase.h (previous version)

Replaced line 1 with line 1
< #if !defined(DBASE_H)
> # ifndef DBASE_H

Changes in dbase.lcl (previous version)

Replaced line 1 with line 1
< imports employee, empset, stdio;
> imports employee, empset, <stdio>;

Replaced line 9 to line 12 with line 9 to line 11
< uses dbase, sprint(ioStream, db);
< claims UniqueKeys(employee e1, employee e2) db d; {
<    ensures
> claims UniqueKeys (employee e1, employee e2) db d; 
> {       
>  /* ensures

Added line 14 (was line 14)
>  */

Replaced line 17 with line 17 to line 18
< db_status hire(employee e) db d; {
> db_status hire(employee e) db d; 
> {

Replaced line 19 with line 20
<    ensures
>   /* ensures

Added line 29 (was line 27)
>   */

Replaced line 29 to line 30 with line 31 to line 34
< void uncheckedHire(employee e) db d; {
<    requires e.gen \neq gender_ANY /\ e.j \neq job_ANY
> void uncheckedHire(employee e) db d; 
> {
>   /* requires e.gen \neq gender_ANY /\ e.j \neq job_ANY

Added line 36 (was line 31)
>   */

Replaced line 33 with line 38
<    ensures d' = hire(e, d^);
>   /* ensures d' = hire(e, d^); */

Replaced line 35 with line 40 to line 42
< bool fire(int ssNum) db d; {
> bool fire(int ssNum) db d; 
> {

Replaced line 37 with line 44
<    ensures result = employed(d^, ssNum)
>   /* ensures result = employed(d^, ssNum)

Added line 46 (was line 38)
>   */

Replaced line 40 with line 48 to line 50
< int query(db_q q, empset s) db d; {
> int query(db_q q, empset s) db d; 
> {

Replaced line 42 with line 52
<    ensures s' = s^ \U query(d^, q)
>   /* ensures s' = s^ \U query(d^, q)

Added line 54 (was line 43)
>   */

Replaced line 45 with line 56 to line 58
< bool promote(int ssNum) db d; {
> bool promote(int ssNum) db d; 
> {

Replaced line 47 with line 60
<    ensures
>   /* ensures

Added line 65 (was line 51)
>   */

Replaced line 53 with line 67 to line 69
< db_status setSalary(int ssNum, int sal) db d; {
> db_status setSalary(int ssNum, int sal) db d; 
> {

Added line 71 (was line 54)
>   /* 

Added line 80 (was line 62)
>   */

Replaced line 64 with line 82 to line 84
< void db_print(void) db d; FILE *stdout; {
> void db_print(void) db d; FILE *stdout; 
> {

Added line 86 (was line 65)
>   /*

Replaced line 68 with line 89
>   */

Replaced line 70 with line 91 to line 93
< void db_initMod(void) db d; {
> void db_initMod(void) db d; 
> {

Replaced line 72 with line 95
<    ensures d' = new;
>   /* ensures d' = new; */

Changes in drive.c (previous version)

Replaced line 11 to line 12 with line 11 to line 12
< int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
> {

Replaced line 26 with line 26 to line 27
<   if (argc != 1) {
>   if (argc != 1) 
>     {

Replaced line 34 to line 35 with line 35 to line 42
<    if (!(empset_size(em1) == 0)) printf("Size should be 0.\n");
<    for (i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
>   if (!(empset_size(em1) == 0))
>     {
>       printf("Size should be 0.\n");
>     }
>   for (i = 0; i < 500; i++) 
>     {

Replaced line 44 to line 45 with line 51 to line 58
<    if (!(empset_size(em1) == 500)) printf("Size should be 500.\n");
<    for (i = 0; i < 250; i++) {
>   if (!(empset_size(em1) == 500)) 
>     {
>       printf("Size should be 500.\n");
>     }
>   for (i = 0; i < 250; i++) 
>     {

Replaced line 54 with line 67 to line 72
<    if (!(empset_size(em1) == 250)) printf("Size should be 250.\n");
>   if (!(empset_size(em1) == 250)) 
>     {
>       printf("Size should be 250.\n");
>     }

Replaced line 56 with line 74 to line 76
<    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
>   for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) 
>     {

Added line 85 (was line 64)

Replaced line 66 with line 87 to line 92
<    if (!(empset_size(em3) == 350)) printf("Size should be 350.\n");
>   if (!(empset_size(em3) == 350))
>     {
>       printf("Size should be 350.\n");
>     }

Replaced line 68 with line 94 to line 99
<    if (!(empset_size(em3) == 350)) printf("Size should be 350.\n");
>   if (!(empset_size(em3) == 350))
>     {
>       printf("Size should be 350.\n");
>     }

Replaced line 70 with line 101 to line 103
<    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
>   for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) 
>     {

Deleted line 77 to line 78 (matches line 109)

Replaced line 80 with line 111 to line 113
<    for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
>   for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) 
>     {

Replaced line 87 to line 88 with line 120 to line 123
<      if ( (i/2)*2 == i) hire(e);
<         else {uncheckedHire(e); j = hire(e);}
>       if ((i/2)*2 == i) 
>         {
>           hire(e); 

Added line 125 to line 130 (was line 89)
>       else 
>         {
>           uncheckedHire(e); j = hire(e);
>         }
>     }

Added line 138 (was line 96)

Added line 143 (was line 100)

Added line 151 (was line 107)

Added line 157 (was line 112)

Added line 161 (was line 115)

Changes in employee.c (previous version)

Added line 2 (was line 1)
> # include <string.h>

Replaced line 4 with line 5 to line 6
< bool employee_setName(employee *e, char na []) {
> bool employee_setName (employee *e, char na []) 
> {

Added line 10 (was line 7)
>     {

Added line 12 to line 13 (was line 8)
>     }

Replaced line 12 with line 17 to line 19
< bool employee_equal(employee * e1, employee * e2) {
> bool employee_equal (employee * e1, employee * e2) 
> {

Replaced line 17 to line 18 with line 24
<             && (strncmp(e1->name, e2->name, 
<                 maxEmployeeName) == 0));
>           && (strncmp (e1->name, e2->name, maxEmployeeName) == 0));

Replaced line 20 with line 26 to line 28
< void employee_sprint(char s[], employee e) {
> void employee_sprint (char s[], employee e) 
> {

Replaced line 24 to line 30 with line 32 to line 33
<    (void) sprintf(s,
<                   employeeFormat,
<                   e.ssNum,
<         ,
<                   gender[e.gen],
<                   jobs[e.j],
<                   e.salary);
>   (void) sprintf (s, employeeFormat, e.ssNum,,
>                   gender[e.gen], jobs[e.j], e.salary);

Changes in employee.h (previous version)

Replaced line 1 with line 1
< #if !defined(EMPLOYEE_H)
> # ifndef EMPLOYEE_H

Changes in employee.lcl (previous version)

Replaced line 6 with line 6 to line 9
< typedef struct {int ssNum;
> typedef struct 
> {
>   int ssNum;

Replaced line 10 with line 13 to line 14
<                 job j;} employee;
>   job j;
> } employee;

Replaced line 12 to line 15 with line 16 to line 18
< uses employeeConstants, sprint(employee, char[]);
< void employee_sprint(char s[], employee e) {
<     requires maxIndex(s) >= employeePrintSize;
> void employee_sprint (out char s[], employee e) 
> {
>   /* requires maxIndex(s) >= employeePrintSize; */

Replaced line 17 with line 20
<     ensures isSprint(s', e)
>   /* ensures isSprint(s', e)

Added line 22 (was line 18)
>   */

Replaced line 20 to line 21 with line 24 to line 27
< bool employee_equal(employee *e1, employee *e2) {
<    ensures result = sameStr(e1->name^, e2->name^)
> bool employee_equal (employee *e1, employee *e2) 
> {
>   /* ensures result = sameStr(e1->name^, e2->name^)

Added line 32 (was line 25)
>   */

Replaced line 27 to line 28 with line 34 to line 37
< bool employee_setName(employee *e, char na[]) {
<    requires nullTerminated(na^);
> bool employee_setName(employee *e, char na[]) 
> {
>   /* requires nullTerminated(na^); */

Replaced line 30 with line 39
<    ensures result = lenStr(na^) < maxEmployeeName
>   /* ensures result = lenStr(na^) < maxEmployeeName

Added line 44 (was line 34)
>   */

Replaced line 36 with line 46 to line 48
< void employee_initMod(void) {
> void employee_initMod(void) 
> {

Changes in empset.c (previous version)

Replaced line 5 with line 5 to line 6
< eref _empset_get(employee e, erc s) {
> eref _empset_get (employee e, erc s) 
> {

Replaced line 9 with line 10 to line 12
<   for_ercElems(er, it, s) {
>   for_ercElems (er, it, s) 
>     {

Added line 17 (was line 13)

Replaced line 17 with line 21 to line 22
< void empset_clear(empset s) {
> void empset_clear (empset s) 
> {

Replaced line 21 with line 26 to line 27
< bool empset_insert(empset s, employee e) {
> bool empset_insert (empset s, employee e) 
> {

Replaced line 23 with line 29 to line 34
<   if (!eref_equal(_empset_get(e, s), erefNIL)) return FALSE;
>   if (!eref_equal (_empset_get (e, s), erefNIL)) 
>     {
>       return FALSE;
>     }

Replaced line 28 with line 39 to line 40
< void empset_insertUnique(empset s, employee e) {
> void empset_insertUnique (empset s, employee e) 
> {

Added line 42 (was line 29)

Replaced line 31 with line 44 to line 46
<   if (eref_equal(er, erefNIL)) {
>   if (eref_equal (er, erefNIL)) 
>     {

Added line 51 (was line 35)

Replaced line 39 with line 55 to line 56
< bool empset_delete(empset s, employee e) {
> bool empset_delete (empset s, employee e) 
> {

Added line 58 (was line 40)

Replaced line 42 with line 60 to line 64
<   if (eref_equal(er, erefNIL)) return FALSE;
>   if (eref_equal (er, erefNIL)) 
>     {
>       return FALSE;
>     }

Replaced line 46 with line 68 to line 69
< empset empset_disjointUnion(empset s1, empset s2) {
> empset empset_disjointUnion (empset s1, empset s2) 
> {

Added line 74 (was line 50)

Replaced line 52 with line 76 to line 78
<   if (erc_size(s1) > erc_size(s2)) {
>   if (erc_size (s1) > erc_size (s2)) 
>     {

Added line 83 (was line 56)

Added line 87 (was line 59)

Replaced line 63 with line 91 to line 92
< empset empset_union(empset s1, empset s2) {
> empset empset_union (empset s1, empset s2) 
> {

Added line 97 (was line 67)

Replaced line 69 with line 99 to line 101
<   if (erc_size(s1) > erc_size(s2)) {
>   if (erc_size (s1) > erc_size (s2)) 
>     {

Added line 107 (was line 74)

Added line 111 (was line 77)

Replaced line 81 with line 115 to line 116
< void empset_intersect(empset s1, empset s2) {
> void empset_intersect (empset s1, empset s2) 
> {

Added line 120 (was line 84)

Added line 122 (was line 85)

Added line 126 (was line 88)

Added line 129 (was line 90)

Replaced line 94 with line 133 to line 134
< bool empset_subset(empset s1, empset s2) {
> bool empset_subset (empset s1, empset s2) 
> {

Added line 142 (was line 101)

Replaced line 105 with line 146 to line 147
< void empset_initMod(void) {
> void empset_initMod (void) 
> {

Added line 149 (was line 106)

Changes in empset.h (previous version)

Replaced line 1 with line 1
< #if !defined(EMPSET_H)
> # ifndef EMPSET_H

Added line 35 (was line 34)

Changes in empset.lcl (previous version)

Deleted line 3 to line 4 (matches line 2)
< uses Set(employee, empset),
<      sprint(empset, char[]);

Replaced line 6 to line 7 with line 4 to line 6
< empset empset_create(void) {
<    ensures fresh(result) /\ result' = { };
> empset empset_create(void) 
> {
>   /* ensures fresh(result) /\ result' = { }; */

Replaced line 9 with line 8 to line 10
< void empset_final(empset s) {
> void empset_final(empset s) 
> {

Replaced line 11 with line 12
<    ensures trashed(s);
>   /* ensures trashed(s); */

Replaced line 13 with line 14 to line 16
< void empset_clear(empset s) {
> void empset_clear(empset s) 
> {

Replaced line 15 with line 18
<    ensures s' = { };
>   /* ensures s' = { }; */

Replaced line 17 with line 20 to line 22
< bool empset_insert(empset s, employee e) {
> bool empset_insert(empset s, employee e) 
> {

Replaced line 19 with line 24
<    ensures result = ~(e \in s^) /\ s' = insert(e, s^);
>   /* ensures result = ~(e \in s^) /\ s' = insert(e, s^); */

Replaced line 21 to line 22 with line 26 to line 29
< void empset_insertUnique(empset s, employee e) {
<    requires ~(e \in s^);
> void empset_insertUnique(empset s, employee e) 
> {
>   /* requires ~(e \in s^); */

Replaced line 24 with line 31
<    ensures s' = insert(e, s^);
>   /* ensures s' = insert(e, s^); */

Replaced line 26 with line 33 to line 35
< bool empset_delete(empset s, employee e) {
> bool empset_delete(empset s, employee e) 
> {

Replaced line 28 with line 37
<    ensures result = e \in s^ /\ s' = delete(e, s^);
>   /* ensures result = e \in s^ /\ s' = delete(e, s^); */

Replaced line 30 to line 31 with line 39 to line 42
< empset empset_union(empset s1, empset s2) {
<    ensures result' = s1^ \U s2^ /\ fresh(result);
> empset empset_union(empset s1, empset s2) 
> {
>   /* ensures result' = s1^ \U s2^ /\ fresh(result); */

Replaced line 33 to line 35 with line 44 to line 48
< empset empset_disjointUnion(empset s1, empset s2) {
<    requires s1^ \I s2^ = { };
<    ensures result' = s1^ \U s2^ /\ fresh(result);
> empset empset_disjointUnion(empset s1, empset s2) 
> {
>   /* requires s1^ \I s2^ = { }; */
>   /* ensures result' = s1^ \U s2^ /\ fresh(result); */

Replaced line 37 with line 50 to line 52
< void empset_intersect(empset s1, empset s2) {
> void empset_intersect(empset s1, empset s2) 
> {

Replaced line 39 with line 54
<    ensures s1' = s1^ \I s2^;
>   /* ensures s1' = s1^ \I s2^; */

Replaced line 41 to line 42 with line 56 to line 59
< int empset_size(empset s) {
<    ensures result = size(s^);
> int empset_size(empset s) 
> {
>   /* ensures result = size(s^); */

Replaced line 44 to line 45 with line 61 to line 64
< bool empset_member(employee e, empset s) {
<    ensures result = e \in s^;
> bool empset_member(employee e, empset s) 
> {
>   /* ensures result = e \in s^; */

Replaced line 47 to line 48 with line 66 to line 69
< bool empset_subset(empset s1, empset s2) {
<    ensures result = s1^ \subseteq s2^;
> bool empset_subset(empset s1, empset s2) 
> {
>   /* ensures result = s1^ \subseteq s2^; */

Replaced line 50 to line 52 with line 71 to line 75
< employee empset_choose(empset s) {
<    requires s^ \neq { };
<    ensures result \in s^;
> employee empset_choose(empset s) 
> {
>   /* requires s^ \neq { }; */
>   /* ensures result \in s^; */

Replaced line 54 to line 55 with line 77 to line 80
< char *empset_sprint(empset s) {
<     ensures isSprint(result[]', s^) /\ fresh(result[]);
> char *empset_sprint(empset s) 
> {
>   /* ensures isSprint(result[]', s^) /\ fresh(result[]); */

Replaced line 57 with line 82 to line 84
< void empset_initMod(void) {
> void empset_initMod(void) 
> {

Changes in erc.c (previous version)

Added line 1 (was line 0)
> # include <stdlib.h>

Replaced line 3 with line 4 to line 5
< erc erc_create(void) {
> erc erc_create (void) 
> {

Added line 7 (was line 4)

Replaced line 6 with line 9 to line 11
<   if (c == 0) {
>   if (c == 0) 
>     {

Added line 15 (was line 9)

Replaced line 15 with line 21 to line 22
< void erc_clear(erc c) {
> void erc_clear (erc c) 
> {

Replaced line 18 with line 25 to line 27
<   for (elem = c->vals; elem != 0; elem = next) {
>   for (elem = c->vals; elem != 0; elem = next) 
>     {

Added line 31 (was line 21)

Replaced line 26 with line 36 to line 37
< void erc_final(erc c) {
> void erc_final (erc c) 
> {

Replaced line 31 with line 42 to line 43
< bool erc_member(eref er, erc c) {
> bool erc_member (eref er, erc c) 
> {

Added line 45 (was line 32)

Added line 48 (was line 34)

Replaced line 38 with line 52 to line 53
< void erc_insert(erc c, eref er) {
> void erc_insert (erc c, eref er) 
> {

Replaced line 41 with line 56 to line 58
<   if (newElem == 0) {
>   if (newElem == 0) 
>     {

Added line 62 (was line 44)

Replaced line 51 with line 69 to line 70
< bool erc_delete(erc c, eref er) {
> bool erc_delete (erc c, eref er) 
> {

Replaced line 57 to line 58 with line 76 to line 79
<        prev = elem, elem = elem->next) {
<     if (elem->val == er) {
>        prev = elem, elem = elem->next) 
>     {
>       if (elem->val == er) 
>         { 

Replaced line 61 with line 82 to line 84
<         else {prev->next = elem->next;}
>           else 
>             prev->next = elem->next;

Added line 90 (was line 66)

Replaced line 70 with line 94 to line 95
< ercIter erc_iterStart(erc c) {
> ercIter erc_iterStart (erc c) 
> {

Added line 97 (was line 71)

Replaced line 73 with line 99 to line 101
<   if (result == 0) {
>   if (result == 0) 
>     {

Added line 105 (was line 76)

Replaced line 81 with line 110 to line 111
< eref erc_yield(ercIter it) {
> eref erc_yield (ercIter it) 
> {

Replaced line 83 with line 113 to line 115
<   if (*it == 0) {
>   if (*it == 0) 
>     {

Added line 119 (was line 86)

Replaced line 92 with line 125 to line 126
< void erc_join(erc c1, erc c2) {
> void erc_join (erc c1, erc c2) 
> {

Added line 128 (was line 93)

Replaced line 98 with line 133 to line 134
< char * erc_sprint(erc c) {
> char *erc_sprint (erc c)
> {

Replaced line 103 to line 105 with line 139 to line 144
<   result = (char*)malloc(erc_size(c)
<                          *(employeePrintSize+1)+1);
<   if (result == 0) {
>   result = (char *) 
>     malloc (erc_size (c) * (employeePrintSize + 1) + 1);
>   if (result == 0) 
>     {

Added line 148 (was line 108)

Replaced line 110 with line 150 to line 152
<   for_ercElems (er, it, c) {
>   for_ercElems (er, it, c) 
>     { 

Added line 157 (was line 114)

Changes in erc.h (previous version)

Replaced line 1 with line 1
< #if !defined(ERC_H)
> # ifndef ERC_H

Added line 19 (was line 18)

Added line 21 (was line 19)

Added line 24 (was line 21)

Added line 29 (was line 25)

Changes in erc.lcl (previous version)

Replaced line 6 to line 9 with line 6 to line 8
< uses erc(obj erc for ercObj), sprint(erc, char[]);
< erc erc_create(void) {
<    ensures fresh(result) /\ result' = { };
> erc erc_create(void) 
> {
>   /* ensures fresh(result) /\ result' = { }; */

Replaced line 11 to line 12 with line 10 to line 13
< void erc_clear(erc c) {
<    requires c^.activeIters = 0;
> void erc_clear(erc c) 
> {
>   /* requires c^.activeIters = 0; */

Replaced line 14 with line 15
<    ensures c' = { };
>   /* ensures c' = { }; */

Replaced line 16 to line 17 with line 17 to line 20
< void erc_insert(erc c, eref er) {
<    requires c^.activeIters = 0 /\ er \neq erefNIL;
> void erc_insert(erc c, eref er) 
> {
>   /* requires c^.activeIters = 0 /\ er \neq erefNIL; */

Replaced line 19 with line 22
<    ensures c' = [insert(er, c^.val), 0];
>   /* ensures c' = [insert(er, c^.val), 0]; */

Replaced line 21 to line 22 with line 24 to line 27
< bool erc_delete(erc c, eref er) {
<    requires c^.activeIters = 0;
> bool erc_delete(erc c, eref er) 
> {
>   /* requires c^.activeIters = 0; */

Replaced line 24 to line 25 with line 29 to line 30
<    ensures result = er \in c^.val
<      /\ c' = [delete(er, c^.val), 0];
>   /* ensures result = er \in c^.val
>      /\ c' = [delete(er, c^.val), 0]; */

Replaced line 27 to line 28 with line 32 to line 35
< bool erc_member(eref er, erc c) {
<    ensures result = er \in c^.val;
> bool erc_member(eref er, erc c) 
> {
>   /* ensures result = er \in c^.val; */

Replaced line 30 to line 32 with line 37 to line 41
< eref erc_choose(erc c) {
<    requires size(c^.val) \neq 0;
<    ensures result \in c^.val;
> eref erc_choose(erc c) 
> {
>   /* requires size(c^.val) \neq 0; */
>   /* ensures result \in c^.val; */

Replaced line 34 to line 35 with line 43 to line 46
< int erc_size(erc c) {
<    ensures result = size(c^.val);
> int erc_size(erc c) 
> {
>   /* ensures result = size(c^.val); */

Replaced line 37 with line 48 to line 50
< ercIter erc_iterStart(erc c) {
> ercIter erc_iterStart(erc c) 
> {

Replaced line 39 with line 52
<    ensures fresh(result) /\ result' = [c^.val, c]
>   /* ensures fresh(result) /\ result' = [c^.val, c]

Added line 54 (was line 40)
>   */

Replaced line 42 to line 44 with line 56 to line 60
< eref erc_yield(ercIter it) {
<    modifies it, it^.eObj;
<    ensures if it^.toYield \neq { }
> eref erc_yield(ercIter it) 
> {
>   modifies it; /* , it^.eObj */ 
>   /* ensures if it^.toYield \neq { }

Added line 65 (was line 48)
>  */

Replaced line 50 to line 52 with line 67 to line 71
< void erc_iterFinal(ercIter it) {
<    modifies it, it^.eObj;
<    ensures trashed(it)
> void erc_iterFinal(ercIter it) 
> {
>   modifies it; /* , it^.eObj; */
>   /* ensures trashed(it)

Added line 73 (was line 53)
>   */

Replaced line 55 to line 56 with line 75 to line 78
< void erc_join(erc c1, erc c2) {
<    requires c1^.activeIters = 0;
> void erc_join(erc c1, erc c2) 
> {
>   /* requires c1^.activeIters = 0; */

Replaced line 58 with line 80
<    ensures c1' = [c1^.val \U c2^.val, 0];
>   /* ensures c1' = [c1^.val \U c2^.val, 0]; */

Replaced line 60 to line 61 with line 82 to line 85
< char *erc_sprint(erc c) {
<    ensures isSprint(result[]', c^) /\ fresh(result[]);
> char *erc_sprint(erc c) 
> {
>   /* ensures isSprint(result[]', c^) /\ fresh(result[]); */

Replaced line 63 with line 87 to line 89
< void erc_final(erc c) {
> void erc_final(erc c) 
> {

Replaced line 65 with line 91
<    ensures trashed(c);
>   /* ensures trashed(c); */

Replaced line 67 with line 93 to line 95
< void erc_initMod(void) {
> void erc_initMod(void) 
> {

Changes in eref.c (previous version)

Added line 2 (was line 1)
> # include <stdlib.h>

Replaced line 7 with line 8 to line 9
< eref eref_alloc(void) {
> eref eref_alloc (void) 
> {

Replaced line 10 to line 13 with line 12 to line 13
<   for (i=0;
<        (eref_Pool.status[i] == used)
<          && (i < eref_Pool.size);
<        i++);
>   for (i=0; (eref_Pool.status[i] == used) && (i < eref_Pool.size); i++);

Replaced line 15 with line 15 to line 17
<   if (res == eref_Pool.size) {
>   if (res == eref_Pool.size) 
>     {

Replaced line 20 with line 22 to line 23
<     if (eref_Pool.conts == 0) {
>       if (eref_Pool.conts == 0) 
>         {

Added line 27 (was line 23)

Replaced line 27 with line 31 to line 33
<     if (eref_Pool.status == 0) {
>       if (eref_Pool.status == 0) 
>         {

Added line 37 (was line 30)

Added line 39 (was line 31)

Added line 43 (was line 34)

Replaced line 38 with line 47 to line 49
< void eref_initMod(void) {
> void eref_initMod (void) 
> {

Replaced line 42 with line 53 to line 57
<   if (needsInit == FALSE) return;
>   if (needsInit == FALSE) 
>     {
>       return;
>     }

Replaced line 46 to line 48 with line 61 to line 65
<   eref_Pool.conts =
<       (employee *) malloc(size*sizeof(employee));
<   if (eref_Pool.conts == 0) {
>   eref_Pool.conts = (employee *) malloc (size * sizeof (employee));
>   if (eref_Pool.conts == 0) 
>     {

Replaced line 52 to line 54 with line 69 to line 73
<   eref_Pool.status =
<       (eref_status *) malloc(size*sizeof(eref_status));
<   if (eref_Pool.status == 0) {
>   eref_Pool.status = (eref_status *) malloc (size * sizeof (eref_status));
>   if (eref_Pool.status == 0) 
>     {

Added line 77 (was line 57)

Replaced line 59 with line 79 to line 83
<   for (i = 0; i < size; i++) eref_Pool.status[i] = avail;
>   for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
>     {
>       eref_Pool.status[i] = avail;
>     }

Changes in eref.h (previous version)

Replaced line 1 with line 1
< #if !defined(EREF_H)
> # ifndef EREF_H

Replaced line 10 with line 10 to line 11
< typedef struct {employee *conts;
> typedef struct {
>   employee *conts;

Replaced line 12 with line 13 to line 14
<                 int size;} eref_ERP;
>   int size;
> } eref_ERP;

Added line 22 (was line 19)

Added line 27 (was line 23)

Changes in eref.lcl (previous version)

Deleted line 6 to line 7 (matches line 5)
< uses refTable(eref, employee, map);

Replaced line 9 with line 7
< constant eref erefNIL = nil;
> constant eref erefNIL;

Replaced line 11 with line 9 to line 10
< eref eref_alloc(void) map m; {
> eref eref_alloc(void) map m; 
> {

Replaced line 13 with line 12
<    ensures newInd(result, m^, m');
>   /* ensures newInd(result, m^, m'); */

Replaced line 15 to line 16 with line 14 to line 17
< void eref_free(eref er) map m; {
<    requires er \in domain(m^);
> void eref_free(eref er) map m; 
> {
>   /* requires er \in domain(m^); */

Replaced line 18 with line 19
<    ensures m' = delete(m^, er);
>   /* ensures m' = delete(m^, er); */

Replaced line 20 to line 21 with line 21 to line 24
< void eref_assign(eref er, employee e) map m; {
<    requires er \in domain(m^);
> void eref_assign(eref er, employee e) map m; 
> {
>   /* requires er \in domain(m^); */

Replaced line 23 with line 26
<    ensures m' = assign(m^, er, e);
>   /* ensures m' = assign(m^, er, e); */

Replaced line 25 to line 27 with line 28 to line 32
< employee eref_get(eref er) map m; {
<    requires er \in domain(m^);
<    ensures result = m^[er];
> employee eref_get(eref er) map m; 
> {
>   /* requires er \in domain(m^); */
>   /* ensures result = m^[er]; */

Replaced line 29 to line 30 with line 34 to line 37
< bool eref_equal(eref er1, eref er2) {
<    ensures result = (er1 = er2);
> bool eref_equal(eref er1, eref er2) 
> {
>   /* ensures result = (er1 = er2); */

Replaced line 32 with line 39 to line 41
< void eref_initMod(void) map m; {
> void eref_initMod(void) map m; 
> {

Replaced line 34 with line 43
<    ensures m' = new;
>   /* ensures m' = new; */

Changes in ereftab.c (previous version)

Replaced line 1 with line 1 to line 4
< /* ereftab.c */
> /*
> ** This is not a good implementation.  I should probably replace
> ** the erc with a hash table.  
> */

Deleted line 3 to line 5 (matches line 5)
< /* This is not a good implementation.  I should probably replace
< the erc with a hash table.  */

Replaced line 8 with line 8 to line 9
< ereftab ereftab_create(void) {
> ereftab ereftab_create (void) 
> {

Replaced line 12 with line 13 to line 14
< void ereftab_insert(ereftab t, employee e, eref er) {
> void ereftab_insert (ereftab t, employee e, eref er) 
> {

Replaced line 17 with line 19 to line 20
< bool ereftab_delete(ereftab t, eref er) {
> bool ereftab_delete (ereftab t, eref er) 
> {

Replaced line 25 with line 28 to line 29
< eref ereftab_lookup(employee e, ereftab t) {
> eref ereftab_lookup (employee e, ereftab t) 
> {

Replaced line 30 with line 34 to line 35
<   for_ercElems(er, it, t) { 
>   for_ercElems (er, it, t) 
>     { 

Added line 39 (was line 33)

Replaced line 37 with line 43 to line 44
< void ereftab_initMod(void) {
> void ereftab_initMod (void) 
> {

Changes in ereftab.h (previous version)

Replaced line 3 with line 3
< #if !defined(EREFTAB_H)
> # ifndef EREFTAB_H

Changes in ereftab.lcl (previous version)

Replaced line 5 to line 8 with line 5 to line 7
< uses ereftab;
< ereftab ereftab_create(void) {
<    ensures result' = empty;
> ereftab ereftab_create(void) 
> {
>   /* ensures result' = empty; */

Replaced line 10 to line 11 with line 9 to line 12
< void ereftab_insert(ereftab t, employee e, eref er) {
<    requires getERef(t^, e) = erefNIL;
> void ereftab_insert(ereftab t, employee e, eref er) 
> {
>   /* requires getERef(t^, e) = erefNIL; */

Replaced line 13 with line 14
<    ensures t' = add(t^, e, er);
>   /* ensures t' = add(t^, e, er); */

Replaced line 15 with line 16 to line 18
< bool ereftab_delete(ereftab t, eref er) {
> bool ereftab_delete(ereftab t, eref er) 
> {

Replaced line 17 with line 20
<    ensures result = in(t^, er) /\ t' = delete(t^, er);
>   /* ensures result = in(t^, er) /\ t' = delete(t^, er); */

Replaced line 19 to line 20 with line 22 to line 25
< eref ereftab_lookup(employee e, ereftab t) {
<    ensures result = getERef(t^, e);
> eref ereftab_lookup(employee e, ereftab t) 
> {
>   /* ensures result = getERef(t^, e); */

Replaced line 22 with line 27 to line 29
< void ereftab_initMod(void) {
> void ereftab_initMod(void) 
> {